Thursday, March 13, 2014

A little over a month

I have now been in Costa Rica for a little over a month.  It has definitely been the most stretching month of my life.  But I am starting to really enjoy it here.  I am starting to feel like by the time July comes I won't want to go home.   Any time I start to miss home all I have to do is remind myself that it's 20 degrees and snowy in Wisconsin and I immediately feel thankful to be here.  Being away from home and experiencing life somewhere else has really taught me to appreciate home though.   Wisconsin has become a more special place to me.  Things I have learned to appreciate:
1. My family  and friends (obviously)
2. My independence.  The culture here is very different as far as young people.  It's normal for kids to stay with the parents until they are married.  One of my cousins is almost 30, and still lives with her parents and works in her dads office.  Also you can't drive here till you are 18.  I have been missing having a car.  It's a stupid thing to miss but a car and a licsense gives you so much independence.  In Wisconsin i could just take my car to a friends house or Madison practically any time I felt like it.  Here getting around is a struggle.   I haven't felt like I know the city well enough to take the buses.  I am just starting to feel like I know my way around.  So I have pretty much just gone everywhere with my family.
3.  Madison.  I thought every city was like Madison.  I couldn't have been more wrong.   I really miss the culture in Madison.  The diversity.  All the college students with a zillion peircingd and crazy hair.  All he hippies and organic food.  Honestly when you are abroad you miss the weirdest things. I really like how in Madison everyone is ( as a generalization) is so conscious.  There is hardly any trash in the streets, or stray dogs.  Here the street is used as a trashcan.  street is littered.  People just don't think sometimes.  They throw gum in the street, and my friends litter without even thinking about it.  Also there are about a guzilion stray dogs which is really sad.  People also don't think about wasting food.  They leave out a lot of things that we put in the fridge so things spoil quickly.  And there are always a ton of leftovers that get left out and go bad.
4. One of the ways that has stretched me the most is not having control over my life.   I never know what's going on till its happening.  Like I generally don't know we are going somewhere till we are leaving.  I have been learning to just go with the flow and just do whatever my family is doing.  Also I used to be a really picky eater.  I made a lot of my own food.  Here I eat whatever is on my plate.  And I am learning I like some foods I would never have tried.  Like plantins with honey and cheese, and cauliflower and eggs.
5.  One thing that I miss is how active our culture is.  At my old highschool everyone was in sports, music, drama, or some sort of club.  And often like 3 or 4 different things at a time.  Here sports really aren't that big of a part of the culture.  Clubs either, everything is more relaxed.  Which is good.   But it's a hard a adjustment being a person who loves to be busy.  People take bike rides or go for a run at times but it isn't that common.  When I went running in my neigborhood people gave me wierd looks.
6.  Another thing I miss is my anominousness.  I don't even know if that's a word but whatever.  Here I really stick out.  At school people are more subtle about looking at me but on tr streets I turn heads like 90 degrees.  I am still not sure of its rude to stare here or not.  Like people driving by literally turn and stare at me, I am surprised there aren't more accidents caused by people being distracted by staring at someone.  My host mom even comenented that I have a lot of " lookers".  It's just unusual to have blond hair here.  And I am extremely blond for Costa Rica, plus my hair is extremely long.  So I pretty much always stick out.  I really don't like people staring, but I am getting used to it.  Also like I can hear my class mates talking as I walk by and I can hear them exclaiming about my hair.  Everyone loves to play with it and comment on it.  Like I will feel someone touching my hair and turn around and some random person I have never met is playing with my hair, most I the time they don't even say anything just keep on playing with my hair and smile at me.  It's kind of awkward.  People also group around me and bombard me with questions at school, which makes me kind of uncomfortable because I tend to be a shy person.
Although this post was dedicated to things I miss, I really am having a great time.  And am very thankful for how welcoming the family I am staying with has been.  Everything is getting so much easier.


  1. Naomi, Aunt Linda and I love hearing about your life in Costa Erica. It sounds wonderful. Keep writing. Love, Grandma Nancy

  2. Dear Naomi,
    Your blogs have been very interesting. I wish you a Happy birthday, even though I don't know exactly when it is. Well anyway, guess what!? Today it was much warmer outside, not like a heat wave or anything but much warmer then it has been. So today we went outside with out coats and we started a bon fire down in our creek and when I got home from dance class it was a raging river partly because the fire had burned away a small dam and partly because all the snow and ice had melted into the creek. Even though I do love Wisconsin, it is strange to think of people touching my favorite cousins hair all the time. Well anyway I hope you have a splendiforous time in Costa Rica! I do very very miss you!
    Love Phoebe
