Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Life goes on

Lately I haven't really felt like I have anything to interesting to write and I have also been too busy.  I guess that's just a testament to how normal life here is becoming for me.  I had an AFS camp this weekend.  It was great to have a little break.  School was kind of dragging on last week.  But thankfully I could leave for the orientation on Thursday.  I really like it here.  And I like school but everybody needs a break sometimes.  Going to the camp was very refreshing to be able to speak in my native language to people who are going through the same thing.  We kind of went crazy.  We stayed up super late every night talking some girls even lost their voices from all the talking.  It was a lot of fun.  But I am exhausted this week from the lack of sleep this weekend. And I have exams.  So lets just say I have had better weeks..  However I now only have 3 1/2 months left here and I am determined to enjoy it and appreciate and take advantage of everyday.  Even if I am just sitting around studying or watching tv I want to appreciate of even he dull moments. I have the feeling that in July I will be sad to go.  And I already have mixed emotions about it.  As much as a like it here it will be nice to be at home again where everything is familiar.  At the Same time though 5 months is really a very short time to actually get to know another culture and language.  Realizing this I want to make the most of the time I have left.  This new goal has been a struggle this week though with exams.  Everybody acts like its so important that I study but I just can't muster much motivation. They all have been studying all last weekend at least and started asking me like 3 weeks ago if I had started studying.  It's so hard to focus ready boring text in another language.  Speaking of language I am starting to see that I have improved a lot.  I pretty much understand everything now.  And I can actually joke around and have complex conversations with my friends.  They don't always get my sarcasm though which had lead to some awkwardness...  A random observation: the tv programming here is the same everyday.  On Channal 7, the morning always begins with Ave Maria, funeral announcements, Costa Ricas national anthem and then of course news,  when I am home in the afternoon it is always the same Brazilian telenovla an fthen at night there is always a wierd sports games show of the same really fit people competing in the same games and singing the same songs every night, then there is some sort of prize show.  It's wierd every day it's like some wierd dashavu ( I totally butchered that word, I have no idea how to spell it),   My sisters always watch an insane amount of Disney Channal every day with the same shows but hey never seem I get bored.  More later.  Chao

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