Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My last post turned into a bit of a rant.  This is just an example of how United Statesish I am.  to generalize we don't like double standards and tend to question authority, and are not afraid to criticize everything.  I would like to say that despite the faults in my school here, I enjoy it much more than in the US.  It's more relaxed more breaks, everything is more chill.  And some of the classes are interesting and all are great for learning Spanish.  As I was talking saying People from the US criticize everything that isn't the case so much here.  People say everything is lindo, or almost everyone is buena gente ( unless they are gossiping which hey also do a lot).   Coming from the US as much as we all love our country we aren't afraid to bash it every so often and will be the first ones to admit all its flaws.  Costa Ricans tend to describe their country more positively ( they are very proud to be from this beautiful country :D ) so I have to be careful when I am talking about the USA when I am negative about it they'll think it's a bad place or that I don't like it when the opposite is true.  Today I was very sad to see on the news the fort hood shooting.  It's scary to see this kind of news about your country when you are abroad.  When you are in another country everything that happens in your own country feels so much more personal.  It's wierd to see things from the outside.  According to my host parents there are never shootings in Costa Rica, or terrorism either.  And from their perspective I can see how the USA could appear dangerous, or that we seem like violent people with everything broadcasted in the news.  It makes you wonder what causes this violence.  It also makes you imagine all the things that could happen to your family when you are gone.  Going abroad everyone worries about what could happen to you going some where unknown, but sometimes you worry about what could happen to your family at home, no matter how unlikely it may be.
On a different note I would like to apologize for the guzilion typos in every post and say that you can blame my iPod.  I wrote these posts from my tiny iPod screen and am constantly hitting the wrong buttons.  It would definitely be unintelligible if it went for spellcheck.

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