Sunday, February 16, 2014

1 week in Agua Caliente

Today after church we drove into the mountains.  The mountains are he most beautiful thing I have eve seen, everything is green and lush, and it is a mixture of agriculture and wilderness.  I am going to move to the mountains in Costa Rica when I am old, I decided today.  There are a lot of coffee plants and sugar canes, the countryside on the side of the mountains is scattered with little towns, farms and of course fields of coffee and sugar cane.  The roads are very narrow and wind along the edge of the mountain.  If you forget how close you are to the edge of a precipice the view is breathtaking, you can see the towns below and Orosi Valley, and the dammed river Cachi.  Across the valley are the ridges of other mountains.  I could never describe it well so ill just say its GORGEOUS!  We drove for like 30 or 40 minutes up the mountian to a resturaunt.  Where some the family of the brother of my host father met us. The resturaunt was train themed, as they used to use trains to haul coffee in this area.  For lunch I had platinos con queso, or plantains with cheese.  It sounds gross but it was really "muy rico" or very good.  Rico is the word to describe any yummy food.  They use the word Rico here in like every sentence to describe food.  In general people here use a LOT of posotive words which is different.  Everything is "lindo" or "Rico", it is different coming from a place where people arent afraid to be critical of everything.  We then drove back down the mountain, bought some cheese from a vender at the side of the road.  At a town further down he mountain we stopped to visit my host grandparents.   Here we bought more food.   We went to a bakery and my host dad bought, bread with jelly, French bread, pinapple cake, and orejas.  Orejas mean "ears" in Spanish and are absolutely delicious.  It's a pastry covered in syrup in the shape of a huge disc, and its delicious.  We had coffee and pastries.  I have been drinking coffee twice a day since I got here.  And people think its wierd that I like it black.  We watched a football game, and some of the fans started beating up other fans on live tv.   My host family were totally outraged.  I have met so many family members over te last week, I will never be able to remember all their names.  My host dad has like 45 nieces and nephews.  For dinner tonight we had ice cream with food, the food here is very "Rico" but a lot of sugar and carbs.  Yesterday I went skating in an indoor skating place that rents skates.  There was music like American top 40 kind of thing and disco lighting and everyone was skating around in a circle.  One and a while one of the workers would call out directions, like skate in the other direction at the whistle and stuff like that, it was a lot of fun.  And also to a huge mall, bigger than any I have ever been to.  I have only been here 1 week but I have already been to two huge malls.  Yesterday I also went with my cousin to a meeting of  fans of Rihanna, even though I am not really a huge fan of Rihanna.  But that was very interesting.  Tomorrow I have school at 7 and my first class is English, this should be fun.... It's really funny listening to Costa Ricans talk in English, it is almost unintelligible.  ...probably what my Spanish sounds like.. But I think I am improving...maybe


  1. Pictures!! We'd love to see some pictures.

  2. I bet the coffee is wonderful, Costa Rican one of my favorites! RICO!
