Friday, February 7, 2014

First day

I am now in Costa Rica.  It is beautiful here.  The weather is gorgeous especially in comparison to Wisconsin.  Today it was 80.  Costa Rica is totally different and very simulator, with a lot o the same stores, and billboards.  The driving was the thing that shocked me he most.  It was terrifying.  Costa Ricans are very daring drivers.  There are a ton of motorcycles which weave in and out of traffic.  Several times I thought ur bus driver was going to run someone over.  At this point all I know is that I will be riding in cars as little as possible, and I will be EXTREMELY careful crossing the street.  Also I have had my first experience obviously not being a native.  Everybody was staring at us in our bus.  The weren't hostile or friendly just curious.  The streets are also like super tiny.  It's weird they don't look like they should have two lanes, but they do.  Also motorcyclists drive on the wrong side of the rode, like a foot accross he center line with cars wizzing by in the other direction justs inches away.   Everyone kept swerving and cutting in front of each other, and traffic was really backed up.  That isn't too out of he ordinary seeing as it was like 5 do probably rush hour.  Another little thing I noticed was different was he window in the bus.  The window was really big, like so big that a little kid could very easily just fall right out.  The also slid open side ways which was different.  It was a shock getting to the airport and having he lady talk to you in flood Spanish,  it was unexpected and I was an idiot and totally didn't understand.  Today the "orientation" has just been meeting exchange students from all over the world, which has been really fun.  Tomorrow we get into be serious information.  And not all the students are here yet, and for many it is the opposite time for hem in their home country.  I am lucky since Costa Rica has the same time zone.  Everybody knows English.  But I have been able to here people talking in other languages.

1 comment:

  1. Naomi, I remember landing in Bangkok and having that same experience. Crazy drivers! You will get used to it. Good thing about the time zone that helps! Keep the updates coming. Love ya. Aunt L
