Sunday, February 23, 2014

2 weeks in cartago

Last night we went to a party if quince anos.  It was pretty crazy.  The only thing comparable I have seen is a wedding.  In fact I think a lot of weddings are less lavish.  It started at the church.  The priest talked for about 45 minutes.   They girl sat in the front of the church with her parents at either side.  They said a lot of prayers, the priest would say something and the congregation would somehow magically know the response. I didn't understand too much.  At the end of the service the girl took her fist communion.  As well as some other people who had watched.  Once hey had taken communion the priest drained all the wine from the goblet in a huge swig.  And ate several pieces of communion bread, before wiping out the cup with a napkin.  Then everyone got up an left, and drove to he party.  The party was in a rented out building.  The theme was "hoollywood" as a huge sign above the door declared.  I don't mention to anyone that "hoollywood" was spelled wrong.  At he entrance was a red carpet and all the tables had flowers and popcorn and soda, and the chairs were all covered in cloth like the curtains in a movie theater.  It was obvious that a lot of care was put into the presentation and everything was very elegant.  Outside the birthday girl greeted all her guests.  And welcomed me without question along with everyone else even though I had never met her before and was now showing up at her party.  Everyone went and sat at the tables then the dj announced the names of pairs of the girls best friends.  They came into he building in pairs and were greeted by applause.  Each pair paused on te carpet to have their picture taken.  There were several hired photographers there scurry around with their DSLRs trying to capture evrymoment.   They even had a huge portable light set up.  The couples walked in to sappy 80s music in English.  Finally the the parents walked in followed by the birthday girl and her escort.  She was greeted by a huge applause before going to he back of the building to dance the 1st dance with her father.  This was I'd course very carefully captured in pictures and everybody stood up to watch.  They girl looked to be feeling more awkward than anything, to be slow dancing in front of all the people.  Then all the friends of the girl danced the next song.  Eventually everyone joined in dancing.  The music was a huge variety,  Spanish hip hop and rap, oldies from the USA , pop from the USA, it was varied, also salsa and merengue music.  Servers in ties came to serve pastries to take with coffee.  People danced, they brought tamales and pork soup they brought out something new like every 40 minutes.  People danced, ate, danced ate....  Cupcakes were for dessert, they tasted like sweet cornbread with a vanilla flavor, topped with vibrantly red frosting, they were good, despite being a little surprising at first.  A mariachi band came, the girl stood in the middle of the room as the band sang like three songs to her and everyone looked on.  Then the the singer danced with the girl while singing.  He moved his hips really awkwardly and the girl looked a little uncomfortable.  There was more dancing, the girl stood underneath the "hoollywood" sign and took pictures with all the families, and there were a lot of families.  There were a lot of families too.  Here facial muscles must be very sore today from all the smiling she had to do.   Then they began passing out whistles and masks and sparkly hats.  I was a little confused.  The little kids started running around blowing the whistles all the while the DJ was blasting music.  The noise was deafening.  Then the caranaval came.  About five girls in what looked like matching bright colored sports bras and spandex, shirtless guys in silky red pants, and like three guys on stilts with masks, along with drummers.  The other music stopped but was replaced by very loud drumming.  Everyone made a circle and danced around the birthday girl and he carnaval who danced with her.  The girls shook more than danced, everyone guys and girls in he band danced wih a  lot of hip movement.  It was a little overwhelming te amount of color and noise.  One of the guys on stilts started dancing with me, it was fun, although I watched more than danced.  We left soon after the caranaval.  It was a totally different party than any I have ever seen, but a lot of fun!  It has been to very interesting weeks!

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