Friday, February 14, 2014

Everything is different!

I am still getting used to life here.  It is a beautiful country and i am enjoying being here.   the family i am staying with is very kind and welcoming.  the westher is BEAUTIFUL!  The country is also gorgeos!  The lifestyle is very different. Everything is more relaxed.  There are no soccer moms here carting their kids around everywhere.  When people aren't at school they watch tv and go on their phones and tablets and other devices.  I have never watched this much tv in my life, it is always on, during every meal and throughout the day. It's all in Spanish and great for learning the language.  It's interesting though because its all te same shows like Disney channel but with Spanish voices.  They also love singers from the USA. The adore Katy Perry and Rihanna, and know all the songs although they don't understand what the mean.   They also are way more updated on celebrities from the USA then I am. They ask me if I have seen USA shows and celebrities which I have never followed.  For example people here watch keeping up with he Kardashians which I have never seen.   When people sing in English too it's not really English.   A lot of people know at least a little English though, although it doesn't really sound like English most of the time.  Which is probably how my Spanish sounds to them I am terrible at pronunciation.  Like we played telephone in English class and they pronounced things so differently I didn't really understand.  Even the English teacher doesn't always sound like he is talking in English.  But I guess that's the same as it is in the USA most of my teachers couldn't even speak Spanish.  Little things are different here.  Here are some things that are different.
1.  People always wear shows in the house.
2.  It's weird that I wash my hair every day, you ar only supposed to wash it a couple times a week.
3.  School has a lot of recesses.
4. The first week of school is just getting to know e proffessors.
5.  We don't change class rooms the proffessors change.  
6.  He food is very different, a lot of carbs.  It is delicious though.
7.  Portion sizes are big.  I have a really hard time eating everything because its so much food.
8.  My hair is really wierd here.  Everyone is always touching it.  People ask me when the last time I cut it is.  Also my little sisters always want to braid it.  Like right now my 2 year old sister is brushing my hair.  And my 7 year old sister is always saying how pretty my hair is, it's different.  My family is always comparing my hair to Rapunzel haha.
There's a lot more that I can't think or right now

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